All my roads since 2007 have led to Africa. I'm finally back and this time it's GHANA.
I went to live closer to the equator to see if the paths I have chosen do not lead me to a dead end. For the question isn't what good have I done, the question is what good can I still do and what good can I do now.
And that's what I went to learn.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ghanaian English

Some things are simple. I love the word "queue" but I stopped using it when I got to the US where everyone says "line". I'm back to "queue" now (and I use that word a lot, trotros, you know...) but it will probably last only till I'm back in Pittsburgh.

Some things are easy to figure out but aren't so common like queue and line. "I'll put some water on fire for you." When I first heard it, I thought it sounded funny. Of course it doesn't really mean to burn water, it means to heat water, but I think it sounds funny.

Alight at Paloma. Alight? Right. Alight. I understand what it means, but I swear I never heard that before. I checked the Oxford English Dictionary and found out it's an old-fashioned word, interesting. At least for me. Also, it explains why the mates never told me when I still needed help figuring out where to get off (ALIGHT, white girl!) - they probably didn't know what I was talking about.

That's the linguist in me - always learning. Always. :)


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