All my roads since 2007 have led to Africa. I'm finally back and this time it's GHANA.
I went to live closer to the equator to see if the paths I have chosen do not lead me to a dead end. For the question isn't what good have I done, the question is what good can I still do and what good can I do now.
And that's what I went to learn.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Taxi, taxi

Taxis in Ghana are a no-go place for me as an obruni. By that I mean - I'd rather walk for half an hour to get on a trotro than argue with the taxi drivers over the price. They are, however, fun to watch, as most of them have the most ridiculous signs on them. My personal favorite so far is "A before B" - I mean, isn't that obvious, or is it really such a surprising message that you have to put it on your car window? :) "1 + 1 = 3 way" is also good, although here I'm not sure if the meaning is so obvious.

And well, as for the prices - the best advice I've been given before coming to Ghana was "They'll give you a price. Say you'll pay 30% of it and you'll end up paying 50%." This is especially true with taxi drivers. I think that they believe all obrunis in Ghana are here just for one day and don't have time to figure out that they're trying to cheat you, but hey, dear Accra taxi drivers, you're mistaken! I was lucky, though, and met a taxi driver who's fair (I have his phone number so if you're coming to Accra and need a ride, let me know :)). I mean - there are some who give you a fair price no matter what the color of your skin is, but I just don't need to go through the arguing process every time I'm trying to get somewhere.
So this is me dealing with the taxi drivers:
"Do you need a taxi?"
- "It depends on how much you'll charge me to Madina."
"15 cedis."
- "Are you kidding me?"
"How much would you pay?"
- "I paid 5 yesterday."
"Give me 10 and I'll drive you."
- "Even if you said give me 3 and I'll drive you, I'd say no."

The trotro stop was only 20 minute walk from there. And guess what? I paid 20 pesewas for the ride instead of the 30 I was supposed to pay. I love trotros (and they sometimes also have funny signs on... :))


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